Susan Sutliff Brown: Curriculum Vitae
Educational History:
(1987) Doctor of Philosophy, April, 1987
Department of English, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620
Dissertation: The Geometry of James Joyce’s Ulysses: From Pythagoras to Poincare
(1978) Master of Arts
Department of English, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620
Major Field: Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature
Master’s Oral: “The Anglo-Saxon Scop in Five Old English Poems”
(1968) Bachelor of Arts
Department of English, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York
Major Field: Modern American Poetry
Additional Education:
(1979) Intermediate French
Academic Year Abroad, Paris, France
Center for Applied Linguistics, Besancon, France
(1972) Oxford University, Oxford England
The Modern Novel; Literature and Society, 1890-1900;
Shakespeare Criticism from Dryden to Coleridge; and The Novel, 1815-90
Professional History:
(1979-2009) Retired: Professor of Language and Literature
Department of English, State College of Florida, Bradenton, Florida 34207
Special Fields: American Literature; Creative Writing, Journalism, Honors English
(1989-2001) Coordinator for Creative Writing Program
Program for Experienced Learners, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733
Special Fields: Novel, Short Story, Poetry, Drama, Memoir, Journalism, and Feature Writing; Thesis Director
(2012-2013) Contest Originator and Coordinator
Inkubate’s $10,000 Literary Blockbuster Challenge
General Consultant for
(1984-current) Writing Coach, Book Proposal Consultant, and Personal Editor
See Editing Projects
(1975-current) Memoir and Fiction Workshop Leader
See Workshops
(1987-1989) Mentor for Gifted Students
Center for Academically Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
(1978-1979) Literature Instructor
Academic Year Abroad, Paris, France
(1977-1978) Teaching Assistant, Department of English
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620
(1973-1977) Time divided between journalism (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
and sharing household duties after marriage to a widower with four children and the subsequent birth of first child
(1968-1972) Journalist working on daily newspapers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania
(2013) “The Mystery of the Fuga per Canonem Solved.” Joycean Unions. Post-Millennial Essays from East to West. Kershner, R. Brandon and Tekla Mecsnóber, eds. Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2013, IV: Rodopi, 2013
(2007) “The Fuga Per Canonem Mystery Solved” Genetic Joyce Studies. The Antwerp James Joyce Centre, issue 7, 2007. Genetic Joyce Studies.
(2000) “Joyce’s American Beauty: The Pervert with the Heart of Gold” Frigatezine.
(1997) “The Joyce Brothers in Drag: Fraternal Incest in Joyce’s Ulysses” in Joyce and Gender. Eds. Marlena G.Corcoran and Jolanta Wawrzycka. U of Florida P, 1997
(1996) “Perspectives on the Fifteenth Annual James Joyce Symposium in Zurich” James Joyce Quarterly Oct. 1996: 497-501
(1995) “Joyce at Miami” James Joyce Broadsheet, Oct.1997: 3
(1993) “Reliving the Life in Miami” James Joyce Literary Supplement, Spring, 1993
(1992) “Joyce and Popular Culture” James Joyce Literary Supplement, Spring, 1992
(1992) “Joyce and Popular Culture at Miami J’yce” James Joyce Broadsheet, Oct. 1992: 4
(1991) “A Bloomin’ Debacle” Hudson Valley Literary Supplement 17 Jan. 1991
(1990) “Dreaming and Realizing the Symposium” James Joyce Literary Supplement, Fall, 1990
Short Stories: “The Politics of Wounded Birds,” Woodstock Originals (1995); “The Dog Psychologist,” Woodstock Originals, (1990); “Fences,” Woodstock Originals (1987); “The Pony Pasture,” “The Suicide of a Sand Dollar,” Woodstock Originals (1984) “Introducing the Abstract,” Journal of Contemporary Satire (1984)
Poetry: two poems, Woodstock Originals, Volume IV (1995); three poems, Woodstock Originals, Volume II (1987); four poems, Woodstock Originals (1984); five poems, Rolling Stone Magazine (1982-1983)
Scholarships and Awards:
(2005-2006) Sabbatical Research Grant (3/4 salary)
(2001-2003) Three-year national Fipse grant, Manatee Community College
(1998-1999) Sabbatical Research Grant (3/4 salary), Manatee Community College
(1994) Semester Sabbatical Research Grant (3/4 salary), Manatee Community College
(1988) National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend ($3,500)
(1987) National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar grant ($2,750): “James Joyce: Perspectives on a Narrative Career” Columbia University, New York, NY
(1984-1985) McKnight Junior Faculty Development Fellowship (one year sabbatical grant: full salary), Tampa, Florida
(1983) 1983 Scholarship Award ($2,000), Southwest Florida Branch, English Speaking Union, Sarasota, FL
Conference Talks:
(2009) “The Future of College Publications” Keynote Address;
Florida Community College Press Association, Sarasota, Florida
(2008) “Joyce’s da Vinci Code: Joyce and Valery”
21st International James Joyce Symposium, Tours, France
(2006) “Joyce’s Source for the Fugal Structure of Sirens”
20th International James Joyce Symposium, Budapest, Hungary
(2005) “The Unheard Female Voice of the Middle East”
National Community College Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts
(2004) “Reading Ulysses in the 21st Century”
Sarasota Literary Society, Sarasota, Florida
(2003) “How to Read Joyce’s Ulysses”
Longboat Key Adult Education Center, Longboat Key, Florida
(2003) “Give a Moose a Muffin: Kiddie Codependent Lit”
Florida College English Association Conference, Tallahassee, Florida
(2002) “Infusing 21st Century Work Skills into the Curriculum”
Florida College English Association Conference, Gainesville, Florida
(2002) “Joyce’s Ulysses: Still Relevant for Readers”
Sarasota Literary Society, Sarasota, Florida
(2001) “The Joyce Recognition Factor”
15th Annual James Joyce Birthday Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(2000) “Joyce’s American Beauty”
17th International James Joyce Symposium, Goldsmith’s College, London, England
(2000) “James Joyce Wins an Oscar”
14th Annual Miami James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1998) “Publishing History of Joyce’s The Cat and the Devil”
12th Annual Miami James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1997) “The Numerical Heart of Modernism”
11th Annual Miami James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1996) “Post-Joycean Culture: Super Model Critiques Joyce”
15th International Joyce Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland
(1996) “The Selection and Distortion of Historical Fact in Ulysses”
10th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1995) “Genetic Criticism: The Essential Use of the James Joyce Archive for Scholarship”
9th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1994) “Joyce and the Mechanics of Sight: The Physics of Ulysses”
8th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1993) “James Joyce and Literary Secrets: Art, Incest, and Syphilis”
National Arts Club, Gramercy Park, New York, New York
(1993) “Joyce the Polymath”
7th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1992) “Two Pages of Seven Books Every Night: Joyce’s Notes on Physics and Geometry”
13th International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
(1992) “Teaching Ulysses to Undergraduates”
13th International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
(1992) “James Joyce and Marinetti”
6th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1991) “Bloom as Fourth Dimensional Flatland Hero”
5th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1990) “Arguments for Re-printing the 1922 Ulysses”
12th International James Joyce Symposium, Monaco
(1990) “The Cubist Connection”
12th International James Joyce Symposium, Monaco
(1990) “Joyce’s Spoof on Freud: Homosexual Incest in Ulysses”
4th Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
(1988) “Joyce and the Twentieth-Century Physics Revolution”
Twentieth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
(1988) “The Modernist Aesthetic: Joyce and the ‘Other’ Cubists–The Marriage of Physics and Form”
Comparative Literature Symposium, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma
(1988) “The Geometry of Portrait and Dubliners”
3rd Annual James Joyce Conference, University of Miami, Miami, Florida
(1987) “The Humanities Magazine and Cultural Literacy”
College Humanities Association, Louisville, Kentucky
(1987) “The Scientific Context of Ulysses: the Post-Newtonian/Pre-Einsteinian Void”
James Joyce Conference at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
(1984) “The Work-In-Progress as a Critical Tool: Using The James Joyce Archive”
Ninth International James Joyce Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany
(1984) “The Motif of Incest in Ulysses”
9th International James Joyce Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany
(1984) “Writing From the Right Hand Side of the Brain”
Conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, Georgia
(1983) “James Joyce and Non-Euclidean Geometry”
James Joyce Symposium, Provincetown, Massachusetts
(1982) “The Hidden Pythagorean Structure of Ulysses”
8th International James Joyce Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
Professional Positions:
(2003-2007) Steering Committee, FIPSE Grant: Infusing 21st Century Skills into the Gen. Ed. Curriculum
(1994) Reviewer, Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program Washington, D.C.
(1988-1992) President, Faculty Senate, Manatee Community College